The Granny, wall shelf have been post in the ELLE DECOR, INDIA. In a special article about the Dutch design week 2012, Eindhoven
The Granny, wall shelf have been post in the ELLE DECOR, INDIA. In a special article about the Dutch design week 2012, Eindhoven
We presented our work during the Dutch Design Week. location: Sectie C free entrance.
A selection of my products been shown during the exhibition “Twist” at the Dutch design hotel Artemis, Amsterdam. Such as the Ornaments, Sweet Cake and the table Viaduct. www.artemisamsterdam.com
The Bijenkorf, Holland’s largest premium department store. Created a big show around the sweet cake during the Maffe Marathon.
During a Dutch television show Lodewijk created a special garden for the kids on the balcony.
The Sweet cakes will be part of the Imagenation Experience Hall during the Seoul design fair 2010 in South Korea
Sweet Cakes decorated the pink carpet entrance at the launch of the new Pink Ribbon magazine.
As of the 10th of January a great collaboration began with KG design in Sweden. They instantly launched my products at two fairs: Formex 2010 and Stockholm Furniture Fair 2010.
The Sweet Cake and Granny has been presented by “Home and Garden” during the Woonbeurs 2010, Amsterdam.
Several Dutch newspapers such as Parool, Eindhovens Dagblad, Gelderlander and Brabants Dagblad have placed full-page article ‘Renovatie zonder zoektocht’ about the Ornaments. Thank you Renske Schriemer and Cor-Peter Pasma
The ornaments and sweet cake are posted at the magazine Vier! geluk
Op de “Alles KIDS” pagina in de Flair is de Sweet Cake te zien geweest.
In het magazine VT Wonen van Juni 2009 worden de Ornaments onder de aandacht gebracht.
rubriek: design met een smile
In editie 7 van het magazine Groter Groeien 2009 is de Sweet Cake te zien als zandbak
De Sweet Cake is deze maand als hondenmand opgenomen in WRAF;
Ornaments geplaatst in de Ditjes en Datjes van September 2009
In het magazine 101 woonideeën van Juni 2009 worden de Ornaments onder de aandacht gebracht.
DADA het kunsttijdschrift voor kinderen van 6 tot 106.
Beijing Sunshine Magazine posted the Sweet cake